While it seems a lot of the country is taking an ‘enforced’ breather, now seems like a perfect opportunity for Ibbleobble to tell you about one of our magnificent mates…
Today, we met up with Rachel, owner of Lincolnshire’s hub of creative ceramic painting, The Paint Box. Not only has she moulded her business into a successful place for people to enjoy taking time out to paint their pottery, but the studio is, in fact, celebrating it’s 10th (TENTH!) year! I actually remember when she took over and it seems like yesterday! Wowzers!

Here at Ibbleobble, we like to celebrate the area’s finest go-getters and Rachel certainly gets filed into that category in much more ways than one!
Paul Jamie Kidd
Mum to little Austen, Rachel uses her motherly instincts and family values as the foundation for everything associated with The Paint Box. It’s all about creating a fun, safe environment where children of all ages to go in and express their creativity! (Let’s not forget the Ibbleobble gang have decorated their own keepsake masterpieces over the years at The Paint Box!)
The Paint Box also hosts some fun-packed workshops and events for groups in the form of ‘hen’ parties or ‘ladies night’ meaning she caters for all ages. It sounds like a right giggle to me :)
We have compiled some of our very best questions to learn more about Rachel, here’s how she got on…
If, you’d like to introduce yourself…
Hey I Rachel Harvey proud owner of The Paint Box, a fun relaxed pottery painting studio, capturing & celebrating life’s precious moments by keeping children & families at the heart of everything we do. Hand and footprint keepsakes are our speciality.
Tell us what your journey was from when you started to where you are now…
I was a customer and The Paint Box was my favourite place to relax. Julie the previous owner sold this beautiful place to me in 2015 and I’m now the longest Paint Box owner! I’m also now a mummy to 3-year-old Austen.
Who is your biggest influencer… personally and on the ‘scene’.. celebrity?
Personally, my daughter… becoming a mother changed me in so many ways but it also gave me a better understanding of what my customers (mostly mummies) want and why documenting our children’s milestones is so important. Celebrity has to be Ru Paul Charles … his message of love and a place for all in the world speaks to me but also his ‘Be you’ attitude has empowered me to think a little higher of myself and my abilities.
Which is Instagram account to you like the most pics on and why?
I love pottery studios over in the USA. They have the best ideas and the most amazing pottery. However, my favourite is my sister from another mister Kathy Shultz over in LA. Kathy and I love all things hand and footprint, however, she isn’t a studio owner but Grandmother to the beautiful Grafton. They make the most amazing keepsakes together and crafts together and Kathy shares them in her Instagram feed @craftin_with_grafton.
What’s the most important piece of advice you could give anyone who wants to get into your line of work
Don’t look at your competition, don’t try and compete. Find what you are good at, what you have that they don’t and run with it. Do you and love what you do.
Where do you hope to see yourself in five years time?
Wow! Hopefully celebrating 15 years of The Paint Box. In all honesty, I don’t look that far ahead in business. I know I should but I like being flexible and love thinking “Let’s give this a go” putting bit out there and seeing it take off (or not).
You have a free shoutout to a business of your choice, who is it and why?
Oh my, there are so many but it’s got to be my bestie over at It Started With A Stitch. This girl works harder than anyone I know, often up till all hours finishing orders. She so knowledgeable, talented and special and I’m so glad the universe is finally but good things her way.
What’s your proudest piece achievement and why?
My proudest pieces are our Christmas baubles, where we turn little hand and footprints into Christmas characters. We have made literally thousands of them but their popularity is pale in comparison to what they mean to people. We have families who make one every year, people who make two to keep one safe and one for the tree and we’ve had more than one or two people cry when they’ve picked theirs up. I am so proud and honoured to be entrusted with making something that is such a special part in documenting a child’s first Christmas and something that will be treasured forever by their family too
Who is your favourite Ibbleobble character and why?
I poured over this question the longest I love Tom the frog because the model for him is one of my favourite people in this world but my absolute fave is Lola the Chicken! She’s adorable!
Which word do you rely on autocorrecting when sending a text
All of them! I’m a terrible speller plus I type so fast it gets jumbled together.
Who is your biggest cheerleader?
In life my family and friends in business I’d have to say Julie Gifford founder of The Paint Box. She has always believed in my ability to run this lovely little place. From day one she gave me the courage to go for it. She still checks in regularly and praises the things I’m doing with our baby. Her belief in me changed my life.
Finish this sentence… “I am at my happiest when….”
The Paint Box is crazy busy, kids are laughing, parents are enjoying time with them and I get to be a kid along with them.
Which is your worst colour and why?
I don’t think I have a colour I don’t like. It’s a running joke with my staff that one of them hates Paint Box Pink. She didn’t tell me this until she’d worked there for over a year.
These unfortunate current circumstances mean dropping by at The Paint Box isn’t advised, we strongly recommend taking the kids here, when it’s safe to do so.
Rachel is one of the most friendly and sociable people we know so do take time to connect with her on social media. Facebook, Instagram and Twitter are some of the places you’re likely to find her sharing, tips, parenting ideas and all the fun stuff going on in her studio!
Until next time!
Paul 🎈
Categorised in: Ibbleobble
This post was written by ibbleobble_paul