With Universal Purchase, you will never miss a spot of maths practice with Ibbleobble!
Whatever business you are involved with, whether you’re creating craft masterpieces, works of art in a pottery studio or providing online learning, you should always look to improve and move forward.
Here at Ibbleobble, we are no different.
We are also firm believers of doing things ‘little but often’ and ultimately these little things eventually add up to something much more substantial.
We also dig the idea of trying our best to make improvements every day, no matter how small it is… getting that extra download… writing a blog article or sharing a useful post on Facebook. Forward is forward, right?
Well, all these little improvements we have been doing recently has meant we are excited with the news that Ibbleobble Apps are now on the Mac App Store, meaning you can buy all of our Educational Apps an a Universal Purchase.
So what is a Universal Purchase, you ask? In a nutshell, it means you can buy any of our Educational Apps as a single purchase and have the option to play it on the iPhone, iPad, Apple TV and now the Mac.
Paul Jamie Kidd
This is incredible news for us as it now means children have access to them on every Apple device. And there’s more… Memory with Ibbleobble can also be played on the Apple Watch too.
How cool is that?
It has always been our aim to get our Apps out to as many individuals as possible, so even if you don’t have an Apple TV, iPad or iPhone, you can still play on the Mac! More often than not, smartphone users are generally loyal to a particular operating system, so there is a good chance that a parent or school, for example, have access to multiple and a variation of devices. You will never miss a spot of maths practice with Ibbleobble!
While Universal Purchase generally means our Apps are more accessibly, it also means you buy an App or App Bundle ONCE (saving you money too) but play it on whatever device you like.
Why not check out Ibbleobble Apps on the Mac App Store and App Store and see how we can help your child today.
Best wishes and #StaySafe !
Paul 🎈
Categorised in: Educational App Ibbleobble
This post was written by ibbleobble_paul